
Exhibitor Specific Questions & Answers

My Password is not working in the Exhibitor Console, is something wrong?
When logging into the Exhibitor Console please make sure to hit the "login" button vs. the "enter" key on your keyboard. If you hit &quo...
Wed, 4 Apr, 2018 at 11:07 AM
When is an Exhibitor Service Kit (ESK) Released?
The Exhibitor Services Kit (ESK) is usually released 5-6 months pre-show, and is located inside your Exhibitor Console. If it is not available and you have ...
Wed, 4 Apr, 2018 at 9:35 AM
Every time I enter my Booth Staff in the Exhibitor Console it errors on me, what I am I doing wrong?
Our system can be picky at times. If an email or phone number has been duplicated, it will error. What you need to do first, is use a fake email and phone n...
Wed, 4 Apr, 2018 at 9:40 AM
Why should I upload the Booth Approval Form?
We need to see what your Exhibitor Booth will look like in advance of the show, this is so we can let you know of anything that might be in violation of our...
Wed, 11 Apr, 2018 at 2:42 PM
The Booth Approval Form is not working, What Should I Do?
If for some reason you are having issues uploading your Booth Approval Form from inside your console you can email it directly to your Client Services Repre...
Wed, 4 Apr, 2018 at 9:56 AM
Can an In-Line Booth Hang anything from the ceiling?
No, only Peninsulas and Islands can have hanging signs. 
Wed, 4 Apr, 2018 at 10:01 AM
Can we have music in our booth?
Yes, you can as long as it is appropriate for the show. Inappropriate or derogatory lyrics will not be tolerated.  Music must be no louder than 88 decibels....
Wed, 4 Apr, 2018 at 10:05 AM
Where do I find the Password to my Exhibitor Console?
The password to your Exhibitor Console would have been sent to you as soon as your Contract to Exhibit was signed. 
Wed, 4 Apr, 2018 at 10:11 AM
What's the difference between Targeted Freight & Install Times & Dates?
All Exhibitors have a Targeted Move-In, this based off of location and size of the booth. Targeted Freight Time & Date refers to when your materials wil...
Wed, 4 Apr, 2018 at 10:30 AM
What do I do if I cannot make my onsite resign appointment?
If you cannot make your onsite booth resign appointment, you need to go to the sales office immediately and fill out a Proxy Form. Once we are back in the o...
Wed, 4 Apr, 2018 at 11:21 AM